Who Takes Care of Those Who Care for Others?
In the wake of heightened public awareness around opioids and recognition that their historical predecessor, crack cocaine, was handled—often with devastating consequences—through criminalization rather than support, the City of Philadelphia has grappled with how best to address substance use.
Even as the City continues to rally its resources through institutions and community to understand and address substance use disorders (SUD), providers—those who directly provide the medical or social care for people in recovery or struggling with an addiction—are keenly affected.
Recognizing the toll that caring for others takes on SUD providers, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction (SUPHR) Program, has partnered with the Health Federation of Philadelphia to provide workshops and organizational technical assistance to help build resilience and wellness among this special group of workers.
To learn and practice brief, effective wellness activities, check out the video shorts collection developed from those workshops.

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW

Rebecca Bryan, DNP

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW
3 Minutes

Rebecca Bryan, DNP

Rebecca Bryan, DNP

Rebecca Bryan, DNP

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW

Shenise Nicole Henderson, MBA, MSS, LCSW
More resources from Take Care PHL
- Visit the Solutions page and search the database for organizational practices, apps, and other tools.
- Visit the Events page for current opportunities.
For more information from the City of Philadelphia
- Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction
- Bereavement support services, including support groups for peers and clinicians who are interested in discussing and processing the grief and loss experienced through their work in the substance use community.
- SubstanceUsePhilly.com Information, resources, and support events from the City Division of Substance Use and Harm Reduction city on work around SUD.
To locate City of Philadelphia individual and community general mental health resources as well as crisis lines
- Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbilities Services (DBHIDS)
- Healthy Minds Philly or Healthy Minds Philly Mental Health Screener and Warm Chat Line (available during specific hours)